Ivan Sigg 展
11月7日(水) ~ 25日(日)
11/10(土) 17:00 - 19:00 : 作家を囲んで懇親会
昨年の芦屋での展覧会から1年、Ivan Sigg は新作を携えて日本に再びやって来ました!
【Ivan Sigg】
Ivan Sigg is a French artist, of Swiss origin by his father and Provencal by his mother. He was born in Casablanca Morocco, but his name is Russian!
He is a painter, engraver, novelist, press illustrator, but also performer in animated digital painting and consultant in innovation and creativity in companies.
After several family trips to Japan, in spring 2017 he spends three months in Kobe.
In November 2017 Ivan had his solo show at Tanizaki Jyunichiro Memorial Museum of Literature, Ashiya sponcerd by INSTITUT FRANÇAIS Japon-Kansai.
In this exhibition you see the fruit of this residency or "How a French artist comes to meet Japanese culture".